The effectiveness of excimer laser treatments in vitiligo in 23 separate articles that included case studies randomized controlled studies retrospective analyses randomized blinded studies and controlled comparative studies.
Excimer laser vitiligo reviews.
Excimer laser for vitiligo.
Vitiligo is an acquired cutaneous hypopigmentary disorder which characterized by solitary or multiple depigmented maculae or patches.
Randomized controlled trials were searched to conduct a systematic review.
The burden of vitiligo.
Using a carefully focused beam of laser light delivered through a sophisticated fiber optic delivery system the excimer system is designed to repigment unsightly lighter skin tones.
The 308 nm excimer laser has been used as phototherapy on vitiligo.
Narrowband ultraviolet b phototherapy and 308 nm excimer laser in the treatment of vitiligo.
Targeted treatment of vitiligo patches limits exposure to.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 308 nm excimer laser on vitiligo.
Compared to other treatment modalities the excimer laser most likely constitutes the treatment of choice for localized vitiligo.
The keywords were identified as laser excimer laser quasimolecule xecl and vitiligo.
Excimer lasers can treat vitiligo more effectively safely and conveniently than topical creams uvb booths or puva.
A review j am acad dermatol 2009.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 308 nm excimer laser on vitiligo.
More frequent treatments achieve better results.
The 308 nm excimer laser has been used as phototherapy on vitiligo.
The uvb light may stimulate repigmentation in the skin restoring color to white patches.
Dermatologists focus the laser directly on the lightened areas of skin using a wand like device.
In this article we review the efficacy adverse effects and possible mechanisms of action of narrowband ultraviolet b and excimer laser in the management of vitiligo.
9 although the response time and the duration of response varied.
20 2004 a new study shows that combining a special laser therapy and a skin ointment called tacrolimus may be better at helping repigment skin affected by vitiligo according to french.
Uv sensitive areas respond best as well as a short duration of the disease.
This procedure is painless and can be administered in a doctor s office in less than half an hour.
Patient characteristics associated with quality of life j am acad dermatol 2009.
Randomized controlled trials were searched to conduct a systematic review.
Clinical studies show that patients treated with the excimer laser system achieve greater repigmentation in a few weeks than with any other present vitiligo therapy safe.
Available data concerning the follow up of treated patients and some criteria for the selection of patients with a greater chance to respond satisfactorily to treatment are also.
Excimer laser is relatively safe and effective for localized disease.