3 3 2 4 2 x and says you re supposed to search in the connected rooms where you solved the puzzle to open the door earlier.
Evil spirit s club floor 2 path.
Completing wriggle s quest is also needed to make both mokou and kaguya appear on 5f.
However i can t figure out how to activate solving it if that makes sense.
On your way you will discover a subject schedule puzzle.
There s an event near where you start but it s nothing but a dead end.
Navigate back to the switchboard to turn on the lights.
I said fuck it and killed it so i could do the rest of the floor in peace.
Follow the path to the south taking the eastern diversion to find a chest with.
Go one space south and inspect the paper on the ground for some clues about the puzzle on this floor.
The request for finding elizabeth s hidden message on the 4th floor of the 3rd dungeon evil spirit club 4th story.
Dreams can be both natural and supernatural.
This is because their power of imagination has diminished into passivity.
Zen and rei do not possess and cannot possess any persona.
The adversary can also project both good and impure images into the mind of believers.
They cannot control their own imaginative powers having yielded control to evil spirits.
Walking backwards in the evil spirit club to avoid being jump scared by the foes.
In the first part of the floor.
Shadow of the labyrinth.
Reisen can be found at the southeastern path of this floor.
To do this you must explore the entire 2nd floor of the evil spirit club labyrinth.
This is the last main floor of the evil spirit club and it s going to be the hardest due to a puzzle later on as well as because of an annoying f o e.
When i check out both the electronic security sealed door and the door on the opposite side the game just tells me that i need to go find more clues.
Their inclusion in this list is merely for the sake of completion.
The answers are in that order.
I find it funny that i ve now been conditioned to do this.
2 points 5 years ago.
This is the list of personas appear in persona q.
Keep going along the path opening the.
Hello everyone and welcome to my commentated walkthrough let s play of persona q shadow of the labyrinth for the nintendo 3ds and today we head to the thir.
It gives you this hint riddle.
Find the reference room and solve the directions path puzzle.
384336 how do i solve evil spirit club 4th floor 4 room puzzle know how to solve it.