His father a sign painter married again to a woman who not only wrote treatises on evolution and reincarnation but also painted on canvas.
Eugene von bruenchenhein ceramics.
Eugene von bruenchenhein ceramic mask n d.
Eugene von bruenchenhein was born in marinette wisconsin in 1910 a year when halley s comet came back into the near solar system.
Ceramic 6 1 2 x 4 x 4 in.
4 1275 x 3 81 x 4 1275 cm.
Eugene von bruenchenhein ceramic mask n d.
He returned to painting again after 1970.
Gift of the jill and sheldon bonovitz collection 2019 62 3.
His mother died when he was seven.
Ceramic 1 5 8 x 1 1 2 x 1 5 8 in.
It seems likely that von bruenchenhein learned to paint from both of.
16 51 x 10 16 x 10 16 cm.
Ceramic 4 1 4 x 4 x 3 1 2 in.
Eugene von bruenchenhein ceramic mask n d.
10 795 x 10 16 x 8 89 cm.
After 1963 von bruenchenhein devoted himself to sculpture producing many vase shaped ceramic sculptures miniature furniture from chicken bones and life size crowns with nature motifs.