Current most important term in electricity if you wanna know about electricity you need to understand current in this video i explained you a little term of.
Electric current vs conventional current.
Con ventional current flow is the standard that most all of the world follows.
This was the convention chosen during the discovery of electricity.
Flow of negative charges is called electron current.
Electron current and conventional current are two types of notation we use to mention current flow in a circuit.
So if the arrow from the picture above were at the bottom of the circuit diagram this would illustrate electron flow.
The conventional current for an electron flow is positive whereas the electrical current is negative.
The flow of positive charges or proton is called conventional current.
It has same direction of electric field.
We need a notation to do some calculations like in kirchhoff s law.
Electron flow is simply the opposite of conventional current flow.
Proton moves from positive to negative.
Electron flow is what actually happens and electrons flow out of the negative terminal through the circuit and into the positive terminal of the source.
In general analyzing an electrical circuit yields results that are independent of the assumed direction of current flow.
Electric current can be either negative or positive but conventional current is always positive.
Conventional current assumes that current flows out of the positive terminal through the circuit and into the negative terminal of the source.
Current flows from the negative side of the battery through the resistance to the positive side rather than vice versa.
These two notations are opposite to each other.
For a flow of positive charges both the electric current and the conventional current are the same.