Western illinois electrical coop.
Eastern illinois electric cooperative.
Sign up by filling out and mailing the authorization form to southeastern illinois electric cooperative inc.
Cancels 2020 annual meeting.
Our annual meeting will now be held at the harvest moon drive in on august 8.
2019 annual meeting held june 27.
With a voided check or deposit ticket.
Geothermal heating and cooling.
Your electric bill will arrive at its usual time each month and your account will be drafted on the due date of the bill.
Winchester illinois based electric utility serving members in the surrounding counties of morgan pike scott greene and calhoun with a few members located in outlying regions of adams brown cass jersey and macoupin counties.
As you know the cooperative s service area in the past office hours 8am 4pm monday friday.
Southeastern illinois electric cooperative smarthub.
As mentioned in previous articles your electric cooperative operates and april 2020.
Wiec tries to help members during covid 19.
Members will receive a 15 bill credit for attending.
Eastern illini electric cooperative smarthub.