4 sets of 12 reps 30 seconds rest between sets.
Dumbbell exercises on the floor.
Pause your elbows on the ground for 1 2 seconds then repeat.
Lay on the floor with bent knees and feet on the ground.
A dumbbell workout that doesn t require getting off the floor.
Lie on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Stand up with a dumbbell in each hand palms facing the body.
Lie on the floor with a dumbbell in each hand palms facing each other.
Calf dumbbell exercises sit on the edge of the bench feet flat on the floor about 12 inches apart.
Have a dumbbell in each hand with a reverse grip and position your arms at 45 degrees from your body.
Lie on the floor with two dumbbells above your shoulders arms 15 degrees shy of full extension with palms facing lower the weights in an arching motion.
Descend until your upper arms touch the floor.
Press the weights up and together above your chest squeezing the muscles at the top of the movement.
Bend your elbows to about a right angle and then keep them rigid after that.
4 sets of 20 reps 30 seconds rest between sets dumbbell floor press.
I learned it from bodybuilding legend bill pearl.
Bend knees with feet firmly planted on floor.
Dumbbell sit up to overhead press for core and shoulders lateral leg raises for glutes and.
Load dumbbells into position with your upper arm between neutral to 60 degrees from your torso.
Dumbbell chest press for chest and triceps lie on your back holding your dumbbells and bring the soles of your feet to the floor knees.
Exhale and brace core while simultaneously extending dumbbells toward ceiling.
Keep your legs and arms about shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent.
While staying seated raise heels by just using toes.
4 sets of 15 reps 30 seconds rest between sets exercise ball chest flys.
Lower your heels to the ground and repeat.
Rest dumbells on thighs while keeping hold of them.
Extend elbows to a 90 degree position triceps resting on floor while holding dumbbells above your chest.
How to do it.
Lift the weights upward in a straight line exhaling as you go.
The exercise is the floor pause dumbbell fly.
Open your arms and lower the weights out and down to your sides.