The aero hub shape durable sinc ceramic bearings 36 super light ratchets and a weight reduced by 11 grams complete the revised 180 ratchet exp hubs of the arc 1100 dicut wheels dtswiss engineeringperformance flatoutfast rebornfaster.
Dt swiss ceramic hub.
Ceramic bearings save weight reduce friction and rolling resistance allowing a wheel to roll faster with less power input.
At dt swiss we believe that the difference is in the detail.
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But dt chose to press ahead with the benefit of new technology nevertheless and with this comes the new dt 190 ceramic hub.
Ceramic bearings are very hard and very round and they take a nice bite out of mechanical drag.
No detail was overlooked and all components were weight optimized resulting in a mere 105g hub.
Sinc ceramic ball bearings are precisely based on such details.
No details were overlooked in optimizing weight or rolling resistance.
The 190 ceramic is simply a 240s hub outfitted with ceramic cartridge bearings.
Dt swiss pushed the limits of their technologies when designing the 180 carbon ceramic hub line.
Dt swiss 180 hubs the ultimate in lightweight stiffness and durability.
Smooth running sinc ceramic bearings bring the decisive advantage with their extremely low rolling resistance.
Thanks to the optimization of these details a dt swiss wheel with a sinc upgrade simply means that you will be ahead of the field your friends or setting new personal bests.