I work in a 7 bed icu in a small rual hospital.
Drips on a med surg floor.
Administration wants to place the patients on cardizem drips on the med surg floor with tele.
There is a cardiac step down that would amount to the tele floor i d assume.
Rose queen bsn msn rn.
Master cardiology with the cardiac nurse crash course from fresh rn.
Specializes in certified med surg tele and other stuff.
Hospitalists at emory aren t the only ones who endorse the protocol.
We also monitor 20 telemetry units the patients are on a med surg floor that also has peds.
Anyone with hourly fingersticks and insulin drip adjustments should be on a monitored pcu floor no greater than 1 4 nurse patient ratio.
As the largest branch of nursing care med surg nursing has the widest variety of potential patients and diagnoses.
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Content pulls from across all amsn properties including our online library publications member community the hub and podcasts.
Specialties med surg posted aug 27 2016.
Med surg nursing requires attention to detail excellent multi tasking skills and a level head under pressure.
My hospital is actually fairly strict about what can stay on a med surg floor which is nice.
Whether you work in the er or icu ccu med surg or a long term care facility you have the ability to make a difference and save a life by paying attention to their needs and delivering the best nursing care possible.
I m on a med surg transplant floor there are multiple drips that we initiate or titrate.
Cardiac drips on a med surg floor.
Patients on the med surg floor.
Specializes in or education.
My personal opinion is titrated drips or narcotic drips don t belong on medsurg unless it s a morphine drip on a dnr.
This means knowing how to titrate a cardizem drip.
Management s logic was that a pt.
As hospitalists have migrated over the years throughout the hospital taking over management in surgical or subspecialty wards such as orthopedic surgery they ve championed the use of insulin drips for some floor patients now hospital wide.
We transfer patients there if they need any iv cardiac meds have an elevated troponin for a true cardiac reason afib with rvr drips other than heparin etc.
Didn t need to occupy a monitored bed simply for insulin drips.
These nurses already have 6 7 patients each.
We do insulin heparin argatroban bivilarudin diltiazem amiodarone lasix bumex lidocaine for pain mgmt epidurals for pain mgmt morphine dilaudid primarily for comfort measures patients.
I worked a med surg unit where we had insulin drips.
If you hang dobutamine dopamine nitro and cardizem on your floor what is your nurse to patient ratio.
I work on a med surg tele floor ratios 5 1 days 6 1 nights with 3 cna s if we.