Read patient ratings of mats agren practicing orthopedic surgery doctor in falmouth me.
Dr mats agren.
After arriving at a diagnosis dr.
He is accepting new patients and has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments.
He has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Mats agren md has an overall patient experience rating of 3 3 5 0.
Agren most frequently performs is spine x ray.
Mats agren md is a doctor primarily located in falmouth me with another office in auburn me.
Mary s orthopedics in auburn to serve st.
Mary s patients in need of advanced spine care.
After finishing his education and military training in sweden he returned to maine and received a ba from bowdoin college.
He has 33 years of experience.
Agren will diagnose compression fractures herniated discs and osteoarthritis as well as offer surgical procedures to.
Mats agren is an orthopedic surgeon in scarborough maine and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area.
Was born in umea sweden.
Agren is qualified to detect and treat all types of damage to the musculoskeletal system such as the joints muscles bones tendons and ligaments.
Mats agren md is a specialist in orthopaedic surgery who can be reached at 207 333 4710 207 662 2911 207 885 0011 and whose practice locations include.
Mats agren m d mats agren m d.
Being an orthopedic surgeon in maine dr.
His specialties include orthopaedic surgery orthopedic surgery of spine.
He came to this country as an exchange student and attended deering high school in portland maine.
He is affiliated with medical facilities such as maine medical center and northern light mercy hospital.
The procedure that dr.
Mats agren md is a orthopedic surgery specialist in falmouth me.
When choosing a provider it.
Auburn lewiston portland scarborough.
Public records indicate that he received 2 984 in payments from medical companies between 2014 and 2018 which is more than a majority 58 of orthopedic.
Agren has more experience with spine than other specialists in his area.
Mats agren md is a male orthopedic surgeon in falmouth me with over 33 years of experience.