Jekyll from participating in sin.
Dr jekyll and mr hyde floor plan.
Henry jekyll and his alternative personality mr.
And indeed the worst of my faults was a certain impatient gaiety of disposition such as has made the happiness of many but such as i found it hard to reconcile with my imperious desire to carry my head high and wear a more than commonly grave countenance before the public.
Richard enfield a distant cousin to mr.
Hunter s house was possibly the model for dr jekyll s residence in strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson.
Also he says you can tell mr.
Hyde study guide contains a biography of robert louis stevenson literature essays a complete e text quiz questions major themes characters and a full summary and analysis.
The strange case of dr.
Introduce the book dr.
Edward hyde is the central character of robert louis stevenson s 1886 novella strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde in the story he is a good friend of main protagonist gabriel john utterson.
This sketch depicts the house of famous surgeon john hunter 1728 1793.
Hyde real name dr.
In an attempt to hide this he develops a type of serum.
Jekyll poole butler to dr.
Hyde is marked with evil.
Hyde to everyone in the class.
The gentleman of my adventure.
The strange case of dr.
Jekyll was turned into the evil mr.
All rights reserved dr jekyll and mr hyde dr.
Jekyll explains this by saying how he himself has had to put effort virtue and control into his life but mr.
Hyde upon a series of experiments and potions he created.
Utterson lawyer and friend to dr.
Hyde with a picture printed off to show what he may have looked like.
Refusing to take on the persona of mr.
Jekyll unable to stop himself from transform.
Henry jekyll is a minor antagonist in the 2004 dark fantasy horror action film van helsing he also appeared in the animated prequel film van helsing.
Subscribe today to access hundreds of premium teaching resources and lesson plans.
Jekyll is a kind and respected english doctor who has repressed evil urges inside of him.
Emphasize the fact that he has two distinct looks one is friendly and one is dark and scary.
Henry jekyll doctor edward hyde heir to jekyll s fortune in the event of his disappearance or unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months dr.
There are three windows looking on the court on the first floor.
Once a scientist dr.
Lanyon friend to both utterson and dr.
This film is under license from sonar entertainment inc.
Pass out a student journal and the adapted book.
Hyde does not exempt dr.